Our class are called the Leopards and we love to learn.

We are taught by our teacher Mr Smith and
Mrs Lam our Nursery Nurse.

Here are a few photographs of us learning at school.
I hope you can see how much we are enjoying ourselves.
Here we are singing Come On and Celebrate as part of our RE topic on celebrations
Useful Information
PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kits and remain in them all day. If it is cold, please send your child in a tracksuit. Please remove earrings on PE days.
Reading folders and a bottle of water are also needed each day. Please do not send juice or flavoured water.
We set and give out homework on a Friday, to be handed in the following Wednesday.
Through the Cool Milk scheme all children up until the age of 5 receive free milk and there is an option to pay for this scheme when your child turns five.
Every day, the children will be offered a healthy snack. This is either a piece of fruit or a vegetable. Alternatively, they are allowed to bring in their own fruit snack or vegetable snack from home or two plain biscuits.
All Reception children are offered a free school meal. Alternatively, they can bring in a packed lunch from home.
Click here to download a Hot Dinners weekly choices parent slip which should be returned to school at the start of each week.
We look forward to welcoming our parents again fortnightly on a Tuesday morning from the beginning of the day until 9.45am.
Grandma, Grandad, auntie or uncle will be welcome to join us if mum or dad aren’t free.
At St John Fisher we believe that reading is the key to all learning. We want all our children to develop a love of reading which will come first from hearing books being read to them and then starting to experience books for themselves.
As well as developing a love of books through story, we are learning to read independently using the Read Write Inc phonic scheme. The children are enjoying reading and writing new sounds and are beginning to blend them into words.
For information about how to help your child at home please access
At the top of the page click on ‘parents.’
There are so many great books for children. These suggested books include:
- memorable texts that feature repetition and encourage predictions
- texts within which rhythm and rhyme are important
- texts that allow children to practice and apply their phonic knowledge
- texts which positively reflect children’s interests and backgrounds
- some have a number and counting element
- some promote resilience and celebrate difference
- others are purely for enjoyment

These great books will help with our RE teaching.

Here is a handy Parent Planner that lets you know what we will be covering in the Autumn term.
Having the time and opportunities to play at home with parents and by themselves is very important.
Learning through play is also an important aspect of learning in the Reception class, as explained briefly in- The Importance of Play