Timings of the school day:
Doors open at 8.30am
Morning Registration from 8.35am
School ends at 3.05pm
Equal to 32.5 hours per week
St John Fisher is a GOOD school.
What is it like to attend this school?
Saint John Fisher is a warm and welcoming school. There is a strong sense of community. Pupils, staff, governors and parents and carers describe the school as a family.
Pupils behave well. They are keen to learn. They value the opportunities the school provides for them. They are proud to be pupils at Saint John Fisher. Every pupil the inspector spoke to said that they would recommend the school to a friend.
Read the full report here.
Our CEO Neil Lockyer wrote an accompanying letter with the report.
‘There are so many positive elements in this report, and it makes very clear why St John Fisher is a ‘Good School’. I was particularly pleased to read the incredibly positive comments about pupils’ enthusiasm for their learning, their very good behaviour, and that “respect is at the heart of every relationship in the school”. It is clear that teaching is of a very high standard across the school, and it is also very telling that every pupil spoken to by the inspector said that they would recommend the school to a friend.’
Read the full letter here.
Are you interested in sending your children to our school? Ring up the office ( 0116 2882203 ) or e-mail ( office@stjohnfisher-wigston.leics.sch.uk) to book an appointment for a tour around our wonderful family school. Open to those of all faiths and none.