‘We will put our faith into action by helping the poor in Leicester and the Third World. In our school each child is trusted to help each other in their unique abilities and this is shown through caring.’
‘Learn how to love like Jesus.
We love one another as Jesus loves us.
Learn as best you can and help one another to learn too.
Listen to everyone and love them every day.
Don’t fall out, be nice to one another.’(2014)
At St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy we believe that our mission statement enshrines in it the values that are expressed also as British. Since the turmoil of the reformation the Catholic Church has become a key influence in the life of this country promoting a sacramental expression of the Christian faith rooted in the gospel teachings of Jesus of Nazareth alongside a commitment to the traditions, culture and institutions of this country.
We base our faith on love, and crucially, loving our neighbour, therefore making a commitment to the common good of all in our communities. It is our core understanding that explicit in the teachings of the Catholic Church is the role we must play in the socialising and integrating of many families who are new arrivals to our country. All the families from Great Britain and other countries at our school are helped to grow and flourish as citizens of this great country of ours.
The following statement was given by OFSTED to the Midland Association Safeguarding in Education Team;
“We encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject in the school and where political issues are brought to the attention of the pupils, reasonable, practical steps have been taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views.”
We believe that values need to be lived. Respect and tolerance can sometimes mean distancing oneself and not accepting others. St John Fisher School provides a great opportunity for social cohesion to take place and children and families to live together and learn from each other and therefore experience the values of our society.