Our local parish church is St Mary’s Catholic church, located approximately 2.5 miles from the school. The current parish priest is Father John Owens who regularly visits the school to celebrate masses and to share his knowledge of the Catholic faith.
You can find out more about the parish of St Mary’s, St John Bosco and St Edwards on their website:St. Mary’s, St. John Bosco and St. Edward’s – For the salvation of souls and the glory of God (cathparishmje.co.uk)
We are lucky to have very good relationships with our neighbouring parish – St Thomas More and Immaculate Conception. Immaculate Conception in Oadby is our nearest geographical church and pre-covid, we used to the walk the 1.2 miles there on the Immaculate Conception feastday to celebrate Mass with the parishioners there.
Sacramental Preparation
The Sacraments are at the heart of our Christian life. The first disciples were fortunate that they could meet the Lord and experience him there and then in their everyday lives. We might think that they were very much a separate, privileged group. While this might be true on one level, we are all in fact given the same wonderful opportunity to encounter Jesus – through the sacraments.
The Latin word sacramentum means “a sign of the sacred.” The seven sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Christians. They are special occasions for experiencing God’s presence.
For our Catholic Children who are ready to receive their First Holy Communion (Year 4 upwards), along with the parish provides the appropriate preparation at our school on Thursdays in the Advent and Lent terms and in the units of work taught in Religious Education. Father John, our parish priest, leads on this work and school joins in partnership to support children and families both throughout the preparation and for the sacramental celebration itself.
It is important to note that this is a joint process involving commitment and support from you as parents as well. It is expected that our children will be attending a weekend Mass in order for them to be deemed ready for the Sacraments.