After School Care 2024/25

Term Time: Monday to Friday

After School:

15:05 – 17:15      After School Care fee £7.95

15:05 – 16:15      After School Care fee £4.25

16.05 – 17.15       After School Care fee £4.25

Our charges for After School Care are modest and cover our costs. The provision is open until 17:15 and the last option is separately chargeable so that those students unable to go home straight after another club or activity in school, can go in to After School Care for the last hour.

After-School Club Contract

  • Children attending After School Club to 5.15pm must be collected promptly. Failure to collect your child by this time will result in a £10.00 penalty. A further £10 will be charged for each additional 15 minutes. Children who are regularly collected late will have their places withdrawn.
  • Payment is required in advance for all booked sessions even if the child does not attend.
  • Payment can be made on Arbor. Please ensure you have activated your account.
  • In the unlikely event that After School Club is cancelled by St John Fisher CVA there will be no charge and as much notice as possible will be given to parents.
  • Under the reviewed policy procedures in the event that non payment for After School Club causes arrears in excess of one week’s fees you will be given one week’s notice before the allocated place in After School Club for the child will be withdrawn.
  • During After School Club, a nutritious healthy snack will be provided. Any special dietary needs, social & ethnic requirements reported to us will be noted.
  • After School Club will provide entertainment and age appropriate experiences & activities for children whilst they are in our care.
  • If a child becomes ill whilst in After School Club, it may be necessary for the parent to collect them.
  • In the event of an accident we will initially contact you or thereafter the nominated persons from the Emergency Contact Form provided to the School. It is important that details we hold are accurate. We should be notified of any changes immediately.
  • If a child is to be collected by someone other than their parent it is imperative that you inform us of this in advance.
  • Once collected from our care the responsibility for the child is then with the named person.
  • St John Fisher CVA reserves the right to refuse to let that person collect if we consider that that person is not to be fit and proper to do so.
  • If a child’s behaviour becomes such that it affects the care or safety of other children that we have care of, we will request that you visit school to discuss the matter.


After School Care is booked through the Parent Arbor app. Please contact the office for more information.